Vehicle insurance is not one-size-fits-all. Everyone’s needs and circumstances vary. Auto insurance provides three areas of coverage: property, liability and medical. The coverage you need and whether or not you need combined or separate policies depends on many factors:

  • Do you have licensed drivers living in your household? Are they under 25?
  • Have any members of your household had multiple or major violations or accidents?
  • What is the value of your vehicle?
  • Can you afford to lose your vehicle if it is totaled and you choose to decline Comp/Collision coverage?
  • How much in personal assets do you need to protect?
    Is your vehicle financed?
  • Do you use your vehicle for business purposes (other than to commute to work)?
    • For more information on the business use of a vehicle visit our Business Vehicle page. 


There are many variables that reflect the amount you will pay for vehicle insurance:

  • High risk classifications
  • Full coverage vs. liability only
  • Value of vehicle
  • Discounts
  • Deductibles


Beyond having a good driving record and good credit, choosing a higher deductible can also lower your premium. Ask yourself how much you could afford to pay for car repairs in the even of an accident vs. paying a higher premium each month. In addition, many insurance companies now offer discounts for various factors:

  • Being a homeowner
  • Vehicle safety features, such as air bags and anti-theft devices
  • Students with good grades
  • Having continuous coverage
  • Renewing with the same company
  • Payment up front in full
  • Signing up for EFT or paperless
  • Having multiple cars on a policy or multiple policies with one company




High Risk

High risk factors include: having a low credit score, having traffic violations or accidents on your motor vehicle report (multiple or major violations or accidents result in further increases), being a teen driver, having no prior insurance or having a lapse in insurance coverage. The more of these factors you have, the higher your insurance will cost. To reduce your premium, you can work on the following:

  • Improve your credit score by paying bills on time and not “maxing out” your credit cards.
  • Drive safely – most traffic violations drop from your record after three years.
  • Maintain continuous coverage with the same company for at least six months.
  • Avoid having your insurance lapse or be cancelled due to non-payment.
  • Dispute any incorrectly reported violations with the Department of Motor Vehicles


Discounts and Deductibles

Payment options for policies include paid in full up front, online payments, eft payments and coupons by mail.


Did You Know?

  • That the first automobile insurance policy was issued by the Travelers Insurance Companies in 1898?       
    Source: Wikianswers
  • That according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau "vehicle thieves rarely take a break during the holidays"? Laughing To view a theft and fraud awareness video…Click here